Inventory Adjustment
  • 22 Oct 2022
  • 2 Minutes to read

Inventory Adjustment

Article summary

Understanding Inventory Adjustment

What is Inventory Adjustment?

It is how Canary7 is informed if any changes were made within inventory so that the stock keeping is up to date.

Accessing Inventory Adjustment

Within the Navigation menu, click on the search bar, type ''Inventory Adjustment'' and click on "Inventory Adjustment". Inventory Adjustment is also in Inventory > Inventory Adjustment.

Completing an Inventory Adjustment

Selecting the Inventory Adjustment Type

inventory adjustment

When you initially click on Inventory Adjustment, select an adjustment type, and it is a guide for creating an adjustment type

Depending on the Adjustment Type, each will have an Adjustment Class that will change the data entry fields.

Adjustment  Class

adjustment ad class

Enter or select the following:

  1.  Item Code
  2.  Unit of Measure
  3.  Location
  4. Quantity
  5. Reason
  6.  Status

Once you have selected and entered the required fields, click on the submit buttonsubmit button(1) to add.

Transfer Class

transfer class adj

Enter or Select the following:

  1.  Item Code
  2. Unit of Measure
  3.  Location
  4. Location To (the new location that the product is transferring to)
  5. Quantity
  6. Reason

Once you have selected and entered the required fields, click on the submit buttonsubmit button(1) to add.

Status Change Class

status change adj

Enter or Select the following:

  1.  Item Code
  2.  Unit of Measure
  3.  Location
  4. Reason
  5.  Status

Once you have selected and entered the required fields, click on the submit buttonsubmit button(1) to add.

User to Location Transfer Class

User to location transfer class

Enter or Select the following:

  • User
  •  Item Code
  •  Unit of Measure
  • Quantity
  •  Location
  • Reason
  •  License Plate

Once you have selected and entered the required fields, click on the submit buttonsubmit button(1) to add.

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