Inventory Enquiry
  • 18 Dec 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read

Inventory Enquiry

Article summary

Understanding Inventory Enquiry

What is Inventory Enquiry

It is the menu the user uses to access and view information relevant to inventory. It can be used to find the location or status of an Item.

Accessing Inventory Enquiry

Within the Navigation menu, click on the search bar, type ''Inventory Enquiry'' and click "Inventory Enquiry". Inventory Enquiry is also in Inventory > Inventory Enquiry.

Finding General Information on Inventory

You can search in the general tab to find information relevant to Inventory.

inventory enquiry search

In this example, I have entered the Item Code to get information on this particular item. 

This is what searchable fields there are within Inventory Enquiry:

  •  Item Code
  •  Company Code
  •  Location Code
  •  Warehouse Code
  •  License Plate No
  • Item description
  • Item Reference
  • Batch Number
  • Inventory Status

Once you have entered all the information, you need to find your results click on the search buttonsearch button to continue.

inventory enquiry results

This will only have some columns in the view, but I can see their location. To see the rest, drag the horizontal scroll bar. Here is a list of what headers you scroll between to view the information.

  •  Item Code
  • Description
  • Location Code
  • Warehouse Code
  • With User
  • On Hand Quantity
  • Batch Number
  • Expiry
  • License Plate No
  • In Transit Quantity
  • Suspended Quantity
  • Allocated Quantity
  • On Hand Units
  • In Transit Units
  • Allocated Units
  • Suspended Units
  • Company Code
  • Uom with Factor
  • Inventory Status
  • Created At
  • Updated At
  • Last Cycle Count Date
  • Location Type

If you want to go back and input more information, click on the search iconsearch icon and enter whatever data you need to refine your search.

Finding Inventory Summary

The summary Tab will display mainly the most often-used fields to make it much easier to locate information.

inventory enquiry summary search

In this example, I have selected a particular company to view information on its inventory.

The searchable fields are:

  •  Item Code
  •  Company Id
  •  Location Code
  •  Warehouse Code or ID
  •  License Plate No

Once you have entered all the information, you need to find your results click on the search buttonsearch button to continue.

inventory summary enquiry results

This will only have some columns in the view, but I can see the inventory. To see the rest, drag the horizontal scroll bar. Here is a list of what headers you scroll between to view the information.

  •  Item Code
  • Description
  • On Hand Quantity
  • In Transit Quantity
  • Allocated Quantity
  • Unit of Measure
  • Inventory Status
  • Free Stock
  • Unallocated Quantity

If you want to go back and input more information, click on the search iconsearch icon and enter whatever data you need to refine your search.

How to complete a Bulk Inventory Adjustment

Within the inventory tab in inventory enquiry, click on the red action buttonred action button, then click "Bulk Inventory Adjustment".

bulk inventory adjust1

Here is the template you can use for bulk inventory adjustment for the use of your data.

Complete required fields

bulk inventory adjustment 2

Complete the following:

  1. Choose a file, and ensure that this CSV has the same headers as the template for bulk adjustment.
  2. Select Warehouse
  3. Select Company

Click on Import buttonto complete the bulk adjustment. If this fails it will show the errors and why it failed.


On Hand - The total physical quantity present on the location

In Transit Quantity - The quantity that in is transit to the location

Allocated Quantity - The quantity that is allocated from the location

Suspense Quantity - The quantity suspended from short pick

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