  • 06 Feb 2025
  • 2 Minutes to read


Article summary

Understanding Receiving 

What is Receiving

Receiving is a critical process within Canary7, which serves as the starting point for the goods-in workflow. It involves recording and managing the arrival of goods into the warehouse and ensures they are properly accounted for and ready to be put away to their optimal storage location as required.

Key aspects of the Receiving process include:

  • Capturing the details of incoming shipments, such as item quantities, suppliers, and delivery information, to officially mark goods as received in the system.

  • Profile driven actions: The receiving process can trigger additional actions, such as the automatic creation of Putaway Job Executions, based on the pre-selected Receiving Profile. This allows items to be efficiently directed to their designated storage locations, based on the stipulations of the chosen profile.

  • Ensures that the items received are verified against the purchase orders or receipt details, helping identify discrepancies like shortages, overages, or damaged items.

  • Once goods are receivied and verified, the inventory levels are updated within Canary7 (and your ERP integration if implemented).

Accessing Receiving

Within the Navigation menu, click on the search bar, type ''Receiving'' and click "Receiving". Receiving is also in Receiving > Receiving.

How to Use Receiving 

Selecting a Receiving Profile


Click on the Receiving Profile drop-down menu, ensure the correct profile is selected so that the items will follow the required receiving process. The two most common Receiving profiles created within Canary7 are Standard Receiving and Returns Receiving. If you require an additional receiving profile please redirect to the following: Add a Receiving Profile

Receiving Process

Each created profile will have a selected process that will be carried out the two most common are:

  1. Check-in Locate

  2. Check and Put

Entering required Fields

To use receiving, the following steps are required

  1.  Scan or Enter the Receipt Number

    enter receipt num

  2. Scan or Enter the Item

    enter item(1)

  3. Select the Unit of Measure, you might be prompted with a bar code scan after selecting.

    unit of measure

  4. Enter the Check-In Quantity

    enter quantity

  5.  If you are prompted to enter a container, follow the Check-In Locate Steps, or If you are prompted with a Location, follow the Check and Put Steps.

Check-In Locate Steps

Your receiving profile has a Check-In Locate process follow these next steps to complete the Receiving Job Execution.

  1. Scan/Enter in the Container and click Create Container.

    enter container(1)

  2. Select the Shipment Container Type in the drop-down menu and click Create Container.

    select container type

  3. Enter the location and click Submit Location.

    enter location

  4.  Click on the Next Button Next Button to continue.

  5. Enter the label quantity, if no label is needed, type 0.

    label quantity(1)

Double-check that the data has been entered correctly, and now click the CheckIn buttonCheckIn button, and the product is ready to be sent to the putaway team for the Putaway Job Execution.

Check and Put Steps

Your receiving profile has a Check-In Locate process follow these next steps to complete the Receiving Job Execution, which includes the physical putaway.

  1.  You will be given a location, physically go and complete the Putaway, and enter in your check digit if available.

    enter location check digit

  2. Enter the Label Quantity, if no label is needed, type 0.

    label quantity(1)

  3. Enter the Number of Pieces

    number of pieces

Double-check that the data has been entered correctly, and now click the CheckIn buttonCheckIn button to complete the putaway. 

Video Tutorial - How to Check-in Items

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