Shipment Planner
  • 24 Oct 2022
  • 1 Minute to read

Shipment Planner

Article summary

Understanding Shipment Planner

What is Shipment Planner

Shipment Planner is what the user uses to begin the warehouse shipping process, It is important to note that the Shipment must be created before you continue if not, you can access this guide for Adding a Shipment.

Accessing Shipment Planner

Within the Navigation menu, click on the search bar, type ''Shipment Planner'' and click "Shipment Planner". Shipment Planner is also in Shipping > Shipment Planner.

Searching In Pool

You need to find the shipments in the pool, and searching is an excellent way to locate them.

pool search

This is what is searchable within the Pool Tab.

  • Item Code
  • Shipment Number
  • Customer Order Reference 
  • Company
  • Created Date From
  • Create Date To 
  • Carrier
  • Carrier Service
  • Warehouse
  • Ship To Name
  • Ship To City
  • Ship To Country
  • Wave Reject Comment

Once you have entered all the information, you need to find your results click on the search buttonsearch button to continue.

Pool results

This will only have some columns in view to see the rest, simply drag the horizontal scroll bar. Here is a list of what headers you scroll between to view the information. 

  • Item Thumbnail
  • Shipment Number
  • Item Code
  • Warehouse
  • Company
  • Customer Order Reference
  • Ship To Name
  • Ship To City
  • Ship To Country
  • Carrier
  • Carrier Service
  • Total Lines
  • Total Units
  • Created Date Time 
  • Planned Dispatch Date
  • Lines In Pool
  • Wave Reject Reason

If you want to go back and input more information, click on the search iconsearch icon and enter whatever data you need to refine your search.

Putting Shipment To Wave

Find your Shipment using the search function you were prompted with when opening the shipment planner, then select the shipments you want using the check boxselect check box, if you want to select all, check the box at the top select all check box.

to wave step

Click on the three dots Three dotsand "To Wave".

select wave

Select your Wave via the drop-down menu once you have done so, click on the submit button submit button(1) , if needed you can create a wave using the create wave button create wave.

Creating wave

If your wave has already been created, you can skip this step.

add wave

Enter or select the following:

  1.  A name for your wave
  2. Waveflow Header

Click on the Submit button submit button(1)to continue.

Running the Wave of the Shipment

To run a wave, you first switch to the wave tab within the shipment planner.switch to wave tab

In this tab, you should see a list of all the shipments that are in the wave, find the shipment that you want to release, click on the three dots Three dots and then click "Run".

run wave

If run successfully, the Wave will now disappear from the list your product is now ready for Picking Job Execution.

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