Shipping Enquiry
  • 09 Jan 2024
  • 8 Minutes to read

Shipping Enquiry

Article summary

Understanding Shipping Enquiry

What is Shipping Enquiry

It is the menu used by the user (often a warehouse manager) to access, view, add or edit information relevant to shipments used within Canary7.

Accessing Shipping Enquiry

Within the Navigation menu, click on the search bar, type ''Shipping Enquiry'' and click "Shipping Enquiry". Shipping Enquiry is also in Shipping > Shipping Enquiry.

Finding Load Information

You can search in the Load tab for any information relevant to loads.

load search

For example, I want to see all the loads relevant to FedEx.

This is what the searchable fields are:

  •  Carrier
  •  Load Number
  •  Trailer Number

Note: leaving all fields blank will result in displaying all data.

To access all data, uncheck load search as this will have all loads that have ever been in the system.

Once you have entered all the information, you need to find your results click on the search buttonsearch button to continue.

load resultsThis will only have some columns in view to see the rest, simply drag the horizontal scroll bar. Here is a list of what headers you scroll between to view the information:

  • Load Number
  • Carrier
  •  Trailing status
  •  Leading Status
  • Trailer Number
  • Created At

If you want to go back and input more information, click on the search iconsearch icon and enter whatever data you need to refine your search. 

Finding Shipment Information

You can search in the Shipment tab for any information relevant to Shipments.

shipment enq shipment search

In this example, I want to find all the shipments in pool.

The searchable fields are:

  • Load
  • Shipment Number
  • Customer Code
  • Customer Order Reference
  • Warehouse
  • Wave Number
  • Carrier
  • Carrier Service
  • Item Code
  • Company
  • Status From
  • Status To
  • Created Date From
  • Created Date To
  • Leading Status 
  • Trailing Status
  • Last Updated Date From
  • Last Updated Date To

Note: leaving all fields blank will result in displaying all data.

To access all data, uncheck load search as this will have all Shipments that have ever been in the system. 

Once you have entered all the information, you need to find your results click on the search buttonsearch button to continue.

shipment enq shipment load results

This will only have some columns in view to see the rest, simply drag the horizontal scroll bar. Here is a list of what headers you scroll between to view the information:

  • Item Thumbnail
  • Shipment Number
  • Item Code
  • Company Code
  • Load Number
  • Customer Order Reference
  • Ship to Name
  • Ship to City
  • Ship to State
  • Ship to Email
  • Ship to Country
  • Carrier
  • Leading Status
  • Trailing Status
  • Created At
  • Last update date
  • Tracking Number
  • Tracking Url
  • Planned Dispatch Date
  • Ship To Address2
  • Ship To Address3
  • Ship To Phone Number
  • Ship To PostCode
  • Ship to Instructions
  • Consolidation Dock
  • Stagging Dock
  • Wave Reject Reason
  • Routing Code

If you want to go back and input more information, click on the search iconsearch icon and enter whatever data you need to refine your search. 

Finding Detail Information

The detail tab is used for finding detail related to shipments.

shipment detail search

In this example, I want to find detail related to a specific company.

The searchable fields are:

  • Shipment Number
  • Item
  • Item Description
  • Company Code
  • Quantity
  • Status From
  • Status To
  • Allocation Fail
  • Batch Number
  • Serial Number
  • Status To 
  • Allocation Fail
  • Batch Number
  • Serial Number
  • Create Date From
  • Created Date To
  • Last Updated Date From
  • Last Updated Date To

Note: leaving all fields blank will result in displaying all data.

To access all data, uncheck load search as this will have all detail that have ever been in the system. 

Once you have entered all the information, you need to find your results click on the search buttonsearch button to continue.

shipment detail results

This will only have some columns in view to see the rest, simply drag the horizontal scroll bar. Here is a list of what headers you scroll between to view the information:

  • Shipment Number
  • ERP Order Line Number
  • Company Code
  • Item 
  • Item Description
  • Leading Status
  • Trailling Status
  • Qty (Quantity)
  • Original Qty 
  • Created At
  • Batch Number 
  • Allocation Rule
  • Original Batch Number

If you want to go back and input more information, click on the search iconsearch icon and enter whatever data you need to refine your search. 

Finding Container Information

The detail tab is used for finding detail related to Containers in the shipment process.

shipment container search

In this example, I want to see what containers are loading pending.

The searchable fields are:

  • Created at From
  • Created at To 
  • Shipment Number
  • Company
  • Status From
  • Status To
  • Container Number

Note: leaving all fields blank will result in displaying all data.

To access all data, uncheck load search as this will have all containers that have ever been in the system. 

Once you have entered all the information, you need to find your results click on the search buttonsearch button to continue.

shipment container results

This will only have some columns in view to see the rest, simply drag the horizontal scroll bar. Here is a list of what headers you scroll between to view the information:

  • Container No
  • Shipment Number
  • Company Code
  • Location Code
  • Status
  • Created At
  • Weight
  • Packing Effort
  • Container Type
  • User

If you want to go back and input more information, click on the search iconsearch icon and enter whatever data you need to refine your search. 

Adding a Load

Within Shipping Enquiry, click on ''Load''.

add load 1

Click on the Red Action Buttonred action button, this will bring up a drop-down menu, and select "Add"

2. add items

Enter Mandatory Fields

add load 2
Enter and Select the following:

  1. Load Number
  2. Carrier

The trailer Number is optional but is recommended.

Click on the apply button apply to create the load.

Adding Shipments via User Input

Within Shipping Enquiry, click on "Shipment".Shipmrnt tab.

Within this Shipment Tab, click on the Red Action Buttonred action button, this will bring up a drop-down menu, and select "Add"clicking add

Enter in Mandatory Fields

All tabs will be required to have mandatory fields filled in, the other fields that are left out are not mandatory for Canary7, but we recommend that you still input the relevant data, which is good for good organization.

General tabenter mandatory fields 1

Enter or Select the following:

  1. The Shipment Number
  2. The Warehouse
  3. Company
  4. Outbound Status flow

Click on the Next button Next Button to continue to the next page.

Ship to Tab

enter mandatory fields 2

Enter or Select the following:

  1. Ship to Country
  2. Ship to Phone Number

Click on the Next button Next Button to continue to the next page.

Carrier Tab

enter mandatory fields 3

Select the following:

  1. Carrier 
  2. Carrier Service

Click on the Add Items button add itemsto continue to the next page.

Items Tab

Within this Items Tab click on the Red Action Buttonred action button, this will bring up a drop-down menu, and select "Add"

2. add items

This will bring up a new tab, all fields in this tab are mandatory.

enter mandatory fields 4

When all fields are entered, click on the Apply button apply to add the item, and your shipment should now be fully added.

Adding Shipments via Import CSV

This will help you check that your CSV meets the requirements for shipment import. 

Template Download:

Importing the CSV

Within Shipping Enquiry, click on "Shipment".Shipmrnt tab.

Within this Shipment Tab, click on the Red Action Buttonred action button, this will bring up a drop-down menu, and select "Add"

Choosing File

The next step is to click on "Choose File"

3 choose file

Locate and choose your file by clicking on "Open"

select csv file shipments

Select the following:

  1. Warehouse
  2. Company

import file select comp

Once you have selected and entered the required fields, click on the Import buttonImport button to upload your file.

Manually Closing a Shipment

Depending on the Outbound Status flow, you may need to close the load manually.

closing load1

You will know if your shipment is ready to be closed if its Leading and Trailing Staus says "Awaiting Dispatch Confirmation", as shown above.

coping load number

Next, please scroll to the Load Number and copy its value.

searching for load number

Switch to the Load Tab within Shipping Enquiry, enter the load number, and click the search button to locate the shipment load.

Clicking Close

This will now show the shipment you have searched for. Next, click on the three dots Three dots and then click on edit, and you will see "Close" click on this to close the shipment.

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