- 14 Feb 2023
- 1 Minute to read
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Charge Type
- Updated on 14 Feb 2023
- 1 Minute to read
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Understanding Charge Type
What is Charge Type?
It will apply the assigned Charge Class to charge the customer when the criteria are met. These are fully configurable, and any non-rate variables are defined.
Accessing Charge Type
Within the Navigation menu, click on the search bar, type ''Charge Type'' and click on "Charge Type". Charge Type is also in Billing > Charge Type.
Adding a Charge Type
Click on the Red Action Button, this will bring up a drop-down menu, and select "Add"
Complete General Tab
Enter and select the following:
- Name
- Charge Class
Complete the Where Tab
For this example, I want to create a Charge Type that will apply when two conditions are met, the ship-to country is the USA and from Warehouse1
Columns available (choose 1):
- id
- shipment_header_id
- shipment_number
- customer_code
- customer_order_reference
- warehouse_code
- company_id
- company_code
- planned_dispatch_date
- outbound_status
- ship_to_name
- ship_to_address1
- ship_to_address2
- ship_to_address3
- ship_to_country
- ship_to_city
- ship_to_state
- ship_to_postcode
- ship_to_attention_to
- ship_to_phone_num
- ship_to_email_address
- ship_to_instructions
- carrier_name
- carrier_service_name
- tracking_number
- load_no
- total_container
- created_at
- updated_at
Comparison Operators available (choose 1)
- < (less than)
- > (greater than)
- = (equals)
- <= (less than or equal to)
- >= (greater than or equal to)
- <> (not equal to)
- like
Then enter the value that this relevant to the column you have selected.
To add this to the charge type, click on the upper submit button to continue.
When adding more conditions to the where tab, it will ask you to select from the following Binary Operators:
- AND (both conditions must be true to meet the criteria)
- OR (either condition must be true to meet the criteria)
Once you have selected and entered the required fields, click on the submit button to add.