Charge Class
  • 20 Dec 2022
  • 1 Minute to read

Charge Class

Article summary

Understanding Charge Class

What is Charge Class?

It will define the calculation formula of the charge. They are non-configurable and are hard-coded into Canary7.

Accessing Charge Class

Within the Navigation menu, click on the search bar, type ''Charge Class'' and click on "Charge Class". Charge Class is also in Billing > Charge Class.

Types of Charge Class


PerShipmentCharge charges the customer when a shipment is completed.

Rate Variable: none

Non Rate: rate

For example, if 6 shipments were completed, 6 would be charged.


ChargePerContainerUptoXContainer charges the customer until a specific number value is met. Then, the rest of the containers are not charged.

Rate Variable: X

Non Rate: uptoXRate

For example, if 10 containers were completed and my X variable was set to 7, 3 shipments would not be charged.


ChargePerContainerUptoXContainerAndUptoYThereAfter charges the customer until a specific number or value is met, the remaining containers are not charged up to another set value.

Rate Variable: X, Y

Non Rate: uptoXRate, uptoYRate

For example, if 25 containers were completed and my X variable was set to 15, my Y value was set to 20. The customer would get charged from 1-15, then 20-25.

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