Permanent Location
  • 25 Sep 2022
  • 1 Minute to read

Permanent Location

Article summary

Understanding Permanent Location

What is a Permanent Location?

It allows you to define a set location for an item to be stored, locating rules can be configured to utilise these locations, and minimum and maximum quantities can be set.

Accessing Permanent Location

Within the Navigation menu, click on the search bar and type ''Permanent Location'' and click on "Permanent Location". Permanent Location is also in Configuration, under Functional Area Setup > Inventory Control Setup > Permanent Location.

Adding a Zone Class

Click on the Red Action Buttonred action button, this will bring up a drop-down menu, and select "Add"

add uom

Enter Fields shown

add pernament location

  1. Warehouse 
  2. Company
  3. Location
  4. Item 
  5. Capacity
  6. Minimum
  7. Item Unit of Measure.

Once you have selected and entered the required fields, click on the submit buttonsubmit button(1) to add.

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