Cycle Count Enquiry
  • 26 Nov 2022
  • 1 Minute to read

Cycle Count Enquiry

Article summary

Understanding Cycle Count Enquiry

What is Cycle Count Enquiry

It is the menu used by the user to access and view information relevant to Cycle Counts.

Accessing Cycle Count Enquiry

Within the Navigation menu, click on the search bar, type ''Cycle Count Enquiry'' and click "Cycle Count Enquiry". Cycle Count Enquiry is also in Cycle Count > Cycle Count Enquiry.

Finding information on Cycle Counts

Plan Tab

This tab is for finding information on the plan of the cycle count.

cycle count enq plan tab

This is what the searchable fields are within the plan tab:

  • Location 
  • Plan Number

If dont show closed is unchecked, it will show all previous cycle count plans after being closed.

Once you have entered all the information, you need to find your results click on the search buttonsearch button to continue.

serch results cycle count

This will only have some columns in view to see the rest. Drag the horizontal scroll bar. Here is a list of what headers you scroll between to view the information. 

  • Plan Number
  • Status
  • Total Locations
  • Counted Locations
  • Total Counts
  • Leading Status
  • Trailing Status
  • Created Date Time
  • Created User

If you want to go back and input more information, click on the search iconsearch icon and enter whatever data you need to refine your search.

Viewing Locations in a Cycle Count Plan

To view locations within a cycle count plan, click on the three dotsThree dots and click on "View."

click view cycle count plane

The locations tab shows the location and the status of the cycle count.

cycle counts locations

Count Tab

This tab is used for viewing information on individual counts within Canary7 and will automatically update as more counts occur.

search in cycle count count tab

This is what the searchable fields are within the count tab:

  • Item
  • Location
  • Plan Number
  • Created At
  • Created To
  • User Name
  • Status

Once you have entered all the information, you need to find your results click on the search buttonsearch button to continue.

count list

This will only have some columns in view to see the rest. Drag the horizontal scroll bar. Here is a list of what headers you scroll between to view the information. 

  • Location
  • Item
  • Plan Number
  • Item Description
  • On Hand Qty at Count
  • Counted Qty
  • Difference at Count
  • Difference at Reconciliation
  • Counted User
  • Reconciled User
  • Created At

If you want to go back and input more information, click on the search iconsearch icon and enter whatever data you need to refine your search. 

Running a Cycle Count Plan

To begin the cycle count process, you must run a template in the plan tab. Click on the Red Action Buttonred action button, this will bring up a drop-down menu, and select "Run"

run button cycle count enq

This will prompt you to select a template if needed, you can create a template here Cycle Count Template.

Select template cycle count enq

Click on the Run button to start the cycle count process.

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